Can I install Saltillo / Terracotta tile in the shower?

Yes! However, while Saltillo Tiles can be used in a shower, they are porous and have a protective sealer that will need to be maintained more often in a wet area.

The short answer is yes! However, while Gloss and Satin sealed Terracotta tiles can be used in a shower, it is important to keep in mind that they are porous. Even though they have a protective sealer, they will require more frequent maintenance if they are exposed to a lot of moisture. This maintenance will involve resealing the tiles to prevent water from being absorbed into the surface.
It is not recommended to use Saltillo or Terracotta tiles in showers with hard water as this can cause staining or damage to the natural materials.

For increased protection, we suggest considering our Glazed Terracotta, Clay Tiles, or Cotto Tiles as a more suitable option for your shower.