How do I remove stubborn scuff marks from Saltillo Tile?

Easy guide on how to remove black scuff marks from your Saltillo Floor

Scuff marks on Saltillo tile floors happen occasionally. Black or translucent marks are usually caused by rubber materials being dragged across the floor. Shoes, boots, bicycle tires, and bumpers on the bottom of furniture are common culprits. Here's a guide on how to safely remove scuff marks from your Saltillo tile floor.

All Clay Imports pre-sealed tile is sealed with oil-based sealants. They’re incredibly durable against moisture. However, chemical reactions occur when there’s friction between oil-based products like rubber and oil-based sealers resulting in hard-to-remove scuff marks.

People often try to remove scuff marks with soap and water, or other household cleaners. However, these will be ineffective. The recommended method for removing rubber-based scuffs from pre-sealed Saltillo tile is using lacquer thinner.

Be cautious | Lacquer is a chemical and if not applied properly could remove too much sealer from your Saltillo, leaving it exposed to moisture absorption.

Follow these tips to properly and safely remove scuff marks from your pre-sealed Saltillo tile.


Step 1: Before you get started, you’ll need a small amount of lacquer thinner, a clean non-fibrous white rag, gloves, eye-protective goggles, a sponge, a bucket, and a small amount of Saltillo tile sealer.

Do not let the lacquer thinner come into contact with your skin or eyes. Also, make sure you are in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling toxic fumes.

Step 2: Start off by pouring about a quart of lacquer thinner into a small bucket. Using a gloved hand dip the rag into the lacquer. The rag needs to be barely damp with a small amount of lacquer.

Step 3: Lightly wipe the scuffed area. Avoid removing too much sealer. If you are removing multiple scuffs make sure to apply lacquer as needed to clean rags. The rag can get dirty, making removing scuffs difficult.

Step 4: If you’ve sealed your grout with sealer, there’s a chance the scuffs could be on your grout as well. Wipe the scuffs away from the grout with your damp rag as you did on the tile surface.

Step 5: Lacquer thinner evaporates in a matter of minutes. We recommend reapplying the sealer to give your tile a protective coat. You can use an oil-based sealer for maximum protection, or a VOC-free sealer as a less toxic option.

Step 6: Apply the sealer the same as you would the lacquer. Pour sealer into a bucket and use a gloved hand to dip a sponge with a small amount of sealer. The tile will look dehydrated and dry after the lacquer, applying the sealer will make the tile look saturated and rich again.

It is important to follow these steps carefully to effectively remove stubborn scuff marks and maintain the appearance of your Saltillo floor for years to come.

Please remember that these are guidelines and it is always recommended to test a small area or seek out a professional. We cannot be held responsible for any damage or errors that may occur when using these steps.